Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Karinochi and Panikkoorkka- herbal plants

Karinochi-Anti inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic. Medicine for rheumatic Arthritis. Remedy for rheumatic swellings.

Panikkoorkka-Fleshy aromatic leaves. It is used as an antipyretic. Medicine for headaches and cough. This plant is used as remedy for cough and cold in children. My ammoomma always say to paste a leaf of panikkoorkka to the centre of the head (uchi) of my infant.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Karpoora thulasi leaves
Rama Thulasi-Images from Thammanam, Kochi.

Rama Thulasi has a very special fragrance.

Krishna thulasi

Krishna thulasi poo(thulasikkathir)-'Oru krishna thulasi kathirumay ninne njan ennum pratheekshichu ninnu, neeyithu kanathe pokay? neeyithu choodathe pokayo?

Leaves of Kattu thulasi. Kattu thulasi is also used in lotions and cleaning liquids. Shots from Kasimadom, Perunnai.

Karpoora thulasi -effective way to repel mosquitos:This plant is from a friend's home at Thammanam.

Krishna thulasi -From my home's Thulasithara at Perunnai.

Thulasi -Most of the homes in Kerala had a 'Thulasithara' (a specially made platform) to plant Thulasi in the courtyards. Thulasi has medicinal properties and also considered as a 'devatha'(goddess) according to Hindu culture.

10 medicinal properties..

  1. Thulasi is a remedy for eye disorders:ailments dueto Vitamin A like sore eyes and night blindedness. The juice of black Thulasi can be put into the eyes.

  2. Insect bites: Fresh juice of the leaves may be applied to the affected area and repeat this in an hourly basis.

  3. skin disorders: Juice is a remedy for ringworm

  4. Coughs-It is an important constituent of all Ayurvedic cough syrups

  5. Flu and Cold-Excellant remedy for flu and cold

  6. Respiratory disorder

  7. Heart disorder-It reduces the level of cholestrol

  8. Teeth disorders-Powder made from the dried leaves can be used to brush the teeth

  9. Mouth infections:A few leaves can be chewed ill reduce the irritations

  10. Kidney stone:The juice of leaves and honey taken in a regular basis will expel the stone through urine.

  11. Thulasi juice with pudina juice and lime juice will remove your pimples

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dashapushpam(Ten sacred flowers)

Thiru thali
Kayyonni shots from my home

Mukkutti flower
Uzhinja leaves



Mukkutti pookka

Valliuzhinja (valliyuzhinja,Uzhinja) -This herb is used in the treatment of sinuses, itchy skin. Its a medicine to Eczema, itches and allergic reactions. The juice of leaves is used for ear ache. The extract is used in treatment of rheumatism.

Cheruvoola -Deity-Yamadharma

It is a medicine for smooth delivery. Best remedy for bladder and kidney stones. The dicoction of the plant taken for a few days will dissolve the stone and clear the urinary path.

Kayyonni(kayyunyam) -This small plant with small white flowers will always remembers me of hair. Coconut oil boiled with this herb is a good nourisher of your hair and it will prevent the premature graying of hair also. This plant is used in medicines for liver diseases and anemia. Kayyonni boiled in gingelly oil is a medicine for head ache, hair loss and weak eye sight. Its diety is Shivan and its worshipping will remove all sins from you(panchapathaka nashanam).

Mukkutti, the small with tiny yellow flowers with sparkling beauty.
Mukkutti paste is put in the forehead as a pottu(bindi) in Karkkidakam. Mukkutti is for 'nedu mangalyam'(long lasting marriage life). Mukkutti plant is put on hair in Karkkidaka month. Mukkutti's goddess is Sree Parvathi devi. Worshipping Mukkutti gives good health to Husband and children (Bharthru puthra soukhyam). It is used as a medicine for cleaning utres after delivery.

Mukkutti is a very special plant for Ganapathy. Mukkutti garland or mukkutti as a whole(with roots) can be offered to Sri Mahaganapathy to remove the obstacles. Mukkutti pushpanjali is a special ritual at Malliyoor Mahaganapathy temple.

Nilappana -A medicine for vomiting and jaundice. Used in treatment of skin diseases and asthma.

Vishnu kranthi

Used as a medicine to the treatment related to brain. Demensia, weakness of brain etc.


Muyal cheviyan -Sanskrit name:shashasruthi(shashm means muyal). Deity-Kamadeva worshipping this plant will enhance our beauty. The juice of the leaves of this plant will make eyes cool and make our eyes more healthy.

Poovamkurunthal -Sanskrit name:sahadevi, deity:Brahma Worshipping this plant will eradicate poverty from the house. It is an effective medicine for fever and very effective in round worms and thread worms . The paste of leaves of poovamkurunthal and sandal is a very special preparation for conjuctivitis. It is also used in medicines for kidney problems.


Dashapushpam is used in treatment of poison. These plants have the ability to transmit positive energy through our body. These plants rejuvanate the body. It is necessary to cultivate these plants in the courtyard of our home.

Karuka-Synodon Dactylon(Durva)-Taken as a medicine to fits and mental illness . Used to prepare medicines for weakness of nervous system.
Cherupoola-Ervalanetta Jess(Bhadra)-Best medicine for a smooth delivery
Poovankurunthila-Vernoniya Sineriya(Sahadevi)
Vishnukraanthi-Evolvulous Alsinoides(Harikranthi)-Removes all weakness of the brain. A medicine to Alsheimers.
Muyalcheviyan-Emilyason chifolia(Shashasruthi)
Nilappana-Kurkuligo Orchiyoyidez(Varahi)
Kayyonni-Eclipta Alba(Bhringaraja)
Uzhinja-Cardiyospermum Halikakabam(Chakralatha)
Thiruthali-Manthragora Oficinalam(Lakshmana)
Mukkutti-Biophytum Sensitivum(Peetha Pushpa)

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Respect a tree




Monday, October 8, 2007

Nanthiar vattom a flower from Kerala

Buds of Nanthiarvattom
Nathiar vattom flowers are used in poojas(worshipping of god)at temples. In my childhood my mother always keep these flowers in water in a bronze vessel(Ottu montha) and early morning used this water to wash the eyes. This keeps the eyes cool and also its a remedy for conjunctivitis.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Kariveppu-The most familiar plant of Kerala

Every home in Kerala have a Kariveppu . It is really an inevitable factor of our dishes even if its a Kichadi or a Kappa Puzhukku. The inviting appearance of most of our dishes have the images of Kariveppila in it. Its used for seasonig dishes in South India. In Kerala it is used as a whole or it can be chopped.
Its a rich source of Vitamin A and it have cooling effect on our body. Its a must in our buttermilk preparations. It can be used as fresh and its sauted in oil for seasoning.
When googled about these humble leaves the result was surprising British are using its powdered version to imitate Indian Cooking!!!
It is available in other countries as fresh and dried forms.
Its an easy growing plant in Kerala, but because of the lack of space most of the people are buying it from shops. Now its coming from Tamil nadu. Last week I have to travel through the NH47 in early morning then we saw lorries which carried vegetables from Tamilnadu decorated with heaps of curry leaves on the ultimate top. But the kariveppila which bought from shop have not the magic aroma of the local one. My mother always say she needs the 'nadan kariveppila' than the other variety. This thamil nadu variety is larger than the local one but in case of aroma it will fail.
The aroma of the Kariveppu invokes the apetite. It is used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines. It increases the digetive power of the body and fights against the poisons. It acts as an antiseptic also. The leaves with buttermilk eases the problems due to indigestion. It is a hair nourisher also. Its juice with honey is given as a medicine for worm diseases in children. The leaves are rich with Vitamin A. Add the juice to the kurukku(a special dish for small children). Every part of Kariveppu is rich with Amino acids and Alkaloids. It is used with turmeric as an external medicine for Allergy. 'Kariveppila Chammanthi' A preparation with grated coconut purifies the blood and speeds the digestion.
Names of Kariveppila in other languages
Ten home remedies with kariveppila

  1. Grind the leaves. Make this paste as a small ball and take it with hot water in early morning. Remedy for all the illness due to the increase in Cholestrol.

  2. Grind kariveppila and turmeric. This paste with hotwater is a remedy for Escema in foot. This medicine must take in the morning itself.

  3. Boil water with the leaves of Kariveppu. Drink this water on a regular basis will lessen your digestive problems.

  4. Grind Kariveppila with Turmeric. Excellant for fungal diseases.

  5. Digestive problems after eating meat-Grind Green ginger and Kariveppila. Add this paste into Buttermilk. Drink this mix.

  6. Loss of hair-Boil coconut oil with Kariveppila, Kattarvazha, Mylanji. Massage this oil into your scalp.

  7. For thick and black hair- Boil coconut oil with Kariveppila

  8. For cracking of the heels- Grind Turmeric and kariveppila. Apply this paste into the affected parts for 5 days.

  9. Louse and dandruff-Grind the nuts of Kariveppila and lime juice. Apply this into your scalp. Bath after half an hour.

  10. Skin diseases- Apply the paste of kariveppila on a regular basis

How to store curry leaves- Curry leaves must be fresh, to store curry leaves, after thorough washing put it inside a container and keep it in refrigeratior.

A detailed description of the curry leaves from a fellow blogger



English:Curry leaves

Botanical name: Murraya koenigii

Its a local plant so there must be some beliefs existing with this plant. 'Kariveppila pole' is a popular saying in Malayalam: even if we are using it in our Curries we will throw it away and most of the people do not eat them but they need their taste and aroma. Like this if people need one's income or effort and doesn't need them then we say they considered him as kariveppila.

According to my grandmother ladies must not touch the plant during their menstrul time. There may be more versions according to region anyway kariveppila is an indispensable part of our life.

A very nice article about Kariveppila

More about the Curry leaves

Searching for a curry leaf

Kattar vazha

Plants from Kerala-Aadalodakam

Aadalodakam(adalodakam)- Best medicine for cough, used as an expectorant
Steam the leaves after washing and squeeze it to get the juice mix it with equal quantity of honey. Immediate remedy for cough. This may be used for children also. I had given this to my elder son. My husband who is an adamant ayurvedic follower will always take this medicine. This may also use with Jeerakam. Dry this leaves and crush it with Kalkandam, Chukku and Jeerakam. This powder is also very effective. It is very hard to swallow this juice due to its bitter taste. But its really an 'ottamooli' to cough.
Used for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and Asthma. The juice of the leaves is also used to cure diarrhoea and dysentary.

Some plants from Kerala-having medicinal value Shankupushpam

White shankupushpam flower
Blue shankupushpam flower
Leaves of Veppu

Manja Thechi(yellow thechi)
"Thechi mandaram thulasi pichaka malakal charthi
guruvayoorappa ninne kanikanenam"

Arya veppu(veppu)(Neem) used as a germ killer...Beauty enhancer and blood purifier.
Purify blood. It is Antiviral, Anti bacterial, Antidandruff and Antidiabetic properties. Powder of Aryaveppu with coconut oil is a good remedy for Dandruff. Mix Neem powder, Curd and red sandal wood powder in equal proportion is a good medicine for Pimples

Shanku pushpam-A lovely flower mostly found in Kerala. Used in Temples. This is also found in white and Rose colours. It has medicinal properties. Its roots, leaves and the plant itself are used for medicines in Ayurveda. Every malayalee will remember this flower through the nostalgic voice of Yeshudas 'Shanku Pushpam Kannezhuthumbol Shakunthale ninne orma varum.....'

In Ayurveda it is considered as the greatest herb for the mind power. It enhances your beauty. It is also beneficial for your nervous system. An ayurvedic article related to the medicinal use of shanku pushpi for the memory loss is mentioned below.

yellow chethi
Photo of manja chethi


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