It is known as the paradise tree. Now it got the media attention due to the fact that its seeds contain more than 60% of edible oil. This tree needs very little water to grow , so we can cultivate it in our waste lands without much effort. It consumes large amount of CO2 , purifies the environment, planting one sapling will make us part of the programs against global warming. The oil is free from bad cholestrol, this can also be used as bio fuel. All parts of this tree can be used. Guruji suggest to plant as much trees as possible and to be a part of a healthy environment for tomorrow.
"The day you feel hopeless, horrible, and worse, on that day get out of your room and ask people, What can I do you for you ? that service you have done that day will bring a revolution inside you. It will change your whole gramophone record."-Sri Sri
Aswathibabu...is it true that the leaves of this tree can control swine flu effects by boosting our immune system. Thanks
Very recently i came to know abt the large importance of this tree.I wish to plant more and more of it.Where can I get its sapling.Kindly suggest.I Stay at Mumbai presently and I need to plant this tree in my home town at Orissa.
Please see the below address for availability of Lakshmitaru seeds or saplings.
Seeds will be available in the month of April to June every year, for more detail contact following Address:
Dr. Ramkrishna Mulay: 09342139075 Sandip Pawar: 09448926965
Director, Project Coordinator,
Sri Sri Institute Of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Bangalore
Art Of Living Ashram, Bangalore 560082. Office: 080 ? 32950685, 28432965
Its a great thing to plant a tree..its a gift to our following generation...Very glad to see yr comments..Hope these data will be helpful to your mission...
how to get it in trivandrum?
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