Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy and prosperous New year to all of you

Its  my great wish to continue blogging in this year.  Blogging inspired me to read and write more.
Still I am not a professional writer but this platform had given me the freedom to expose in front of the world.
I am grateful for all these and love all of you for inspiring me all the time.

During vacations we will argue for the trips.  After the trips I had written these lines

It was a search to find a solitude among these problems
It was a search to find the warmth of lush green
It was a search to run away from myself
It was a wish to see the earth in this small life
It was a wish to travel through the path of our ancestors
Above all it was an escape from my daily routines

It was an escape from the zinc with unwashed vessels
Anyway it made me to think
It made me to look with amazing eyes
Its short journey during this long journey 

Again wishing you all a happy new year.......

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