Thursday, July 22, 2010

Some positive thoughts

I am also posting some of my positive thoughts today. I am thank ful to Preethi Shenoy for this great attempt and wishing all the success in her writing career.
  • Among all I am grateful to have a loving partner who had given me all the facilities to have a space in the internet.
  • We had seen an accident scene in the main juction at Kundannoor at Kochi. A lorry that carried an Ammonia tank fell upside down. I feel more grateful to the god for not having any gas leakage and no deaths. The picture taken from the car its not clear because of the crowd. Cranes are trying to lift the lorry.

  • Friday is fruits day for my kids. Now we try different type of fruits for fridays. During this day they must eat only fruits in their snack time. Today we had raw dates, plum, pear, Guava, small apples and Pome granate. Today morning we got a parcel from my in law which contained big mangoes(they are calling them as 'roti manga') and home grown pine apples. Now we are blessed with nature. So much fruits which include home grown also. I am really grate ful to nature for having a nice day.
  • I am a follower of Art of living and try to do 'Sudarshan kriya' in between all the chores. I feel very grateful to do 'sadhana' with great devotion.
  • I feel very much grateful to have two vibrant sons who hold me so close to their hearts. Yesterday during our story time I had to tell them about death. Then the elder one told these words 'amma, Please don't die, I will cry louder and louder' . These made tears in my eyes.

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